The Reading Room

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Welcome to The Reading Room. This site is about Kids and reading. We have books to read. We also produce video lessons that help you read. You can still have fun and learn about books and reading on our site

We are not a commercial site, so there is nothing to buy, no advertising and it is kid friendly. The site in not political and is maintained as a public service by two grandparents.  

The Reading Room is meant for very early readers, kids who are learning to read through about the third grade. It has lessons with many of the books, as well as videoa on phonics and other reading skills.  Adult supervision is suggested to get the most out of the site.

Choose where you want to go by selecting from the Navigation Bar above.  Have fun!

We are curretly upgrading the site, and are moving our old site to a new format. as a result we are still under construction, and thus not all menu items have content at this time.

Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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